Once upon a time there was a King, He had only one daughter, the daughter adored and loved in every sense. One day he called her while she was playing, no, but he was caressing beautiful desires because seeing how planet Earth was suffering was sad. He was under the illusion that he would not be able to help this battered planet.

So, the King showed her what could be done if he wanted, but He couldn’t come down because someone up there was serving and He couldn’t leave the throne alone for any reason. She was thoughtful at first, but then enthusiastic, and accepted the commitment.

At the stroke of midnight he was allowed to descend to Earth. Her father had warned her: be careful, down there they are all all and or almost very, very, very cruel, with a few small exceptions…

So the little princess decided that yes, yes, yes, she wanted to face this task at all costs. She knew very well, no, but more, how much all this would cost him. The Father had warned her, no, but formed to be always serene and detached from the earth. “LISTEN TO ME,” he had instilled in her… so that human fear does not get the better of you, otherwise you would have been doomed. She, the only one in the world and a teacher of great no, but great responsibility, decided to leave. The kingdom of heaven was sad because the little princess who was the sunbeam of Heaven had descended to earth in the most cruel hardships.

Heaven was moved, to say the least, as it was floundering and crushed by the pains that She never, ever, ever let anyone leak out. Every day she spoke with the Father but the gate was closed and she could not for any reason in the world get any answer.

One day the Father, tired no, but most of all all all the pain perpetrated upon Her turned back, no, but increased the race so that everything, everything, everything had to be consumed as soon as possible.

She didn’t understand why so much ferocity had been unleashed on her.

She who thought with all the honesty in the world that she didn’t deserve all this. GOD didn’t answer him, so he shrugged his shoulders… He thought to himself that perhaps perhaps in another life he had surely killed the ETERNAL FATHER, otherwise nothing could be explained.

Things dragged on to such an extent that she now thought she was eternally chastised. When one fine day GOD finally answered his whys. Suddenly we heard the bells ringing, Heaven awoke, there was a great feast for her, our little princess was back among us but her body was still there.

She didn’t know anything about anything yet, but one fine morning she woke up and realized that GOD had given her all His power. She was now able to lift up all injustice, and finally Peace and Justice reigned on that tormented planet as well.

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